Located just above the Cardo in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City, just minutes away from both the Kotel and the center of Yerusahalayim, Yeshivas Bircas HaTorah combines the historic beauty of the Old City with a modern ambiance. Serving both as a yeshiva for post high-school students looking for an intensive, student-centered program of learning, and adults with academic and professional backgrounds, Bircas HaTorah enables our talmidim to learn Torah in a rigorous and academically challenging, and genuinely warm, environment.

What makes Bircas an exceptional place to learn?

The Learning

Our interactive shiurim are not a place for the rebbi to say his chiddush and leave; they are a place for achieving clarity in Hashem’s Torah. Every maggid shiur, the Rosh Yeshiva included, welcomes kashas and shiur is a forum for debate. Our goal is to teach people how to develop their own thoughts in a way that enables them to give a shiur and teach others how to learn in a clear and succinct way. This learning builds the confidence of the talmidim, gives over precious analytical, thinking and reasoning skills, and truly allows us to “see Hashem on the page”. Why is learning Gemara the primary focus of yeshiva learning?

The People

The Rosh Yeshiva is everybody’s Rosh Yeshiva. When you speak with him, he is only thinking about what is best for you, and not what is best for the yeshiva or anyone else. There is a high level of individual attention and connection with rebbeim, and the talmidim are attentive and enthusiastic. The yeshiva is ideal for a student that is looking for a place that will accept him for who he is. In Bircas, no-one ever gets lost in the crowd. What kind of people learn in Bircas HaTorah?

Personal Growth

Bircas HaTorah offers students, young and old alike, the opportunity to engage with students of all ages; post-high school talmidim, avreichim, semicha students and professionals together. Furthermore, the yeshiva is not a revolving door. Chanoch lanaar al pi darcho. Find each one their channel for growth. The yeshiva is a community where everyone is helping each other to grow; every person is working on improving their avodas Hashem, and the yeshiva only really cares about one thing – are you trying? What is Mussar?

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Post High School
Beis Medrash

Beis Medrash


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Sukkos 5785