
Thank you to all who took part in making our 30th Anniversary Celebration a success!

We still have the following Sponsorship Opportunities

American tax receipts will be provided for credit card payments made on this page.
For Canadian, Israeli and UK tax receipts, do not use the form below, rather, see payment section here.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Seats and Shtenders

$ 360

$ 270

$ 180

Aron HaKodesh

$ 10,000

$ 10,000

Rosh Yeshiva

$ 75,000

Designed by artist Michael Kupietzky, this highly visible podium will be used for the Rosh Yeshiva's mussar shmoozes. The podium will be placed in front of our glass aron hakodesh and will feature the yeshiva's name on it.
$ 18,000

$ 18,000

$ 5,400

$ 5,400

Located in the Rosh Yeshiva's office.
$ 3,600


Custom designed by artist Michael Kupietzky. These four new rooms are providing the much needed infrastructure to allow the yeshiva to better run its programs, manage effectively and finally have a kitchen!

$ 1,800

$ 1,800

$ 1,800

Beis Medrash Expansion

This plaque will be placed outside the bathrooms in the expanded beis medrash. Grab a share of thousands of future brachas!
$ 1,800

Perfect sponsorship opportunity for somebody that doesn't have the time be in yeshiva all day - earn a share in the daily learning at Yeshiva with this plaque that contains the prayer one says upon entering and leaving the beis medrash.
$ 1,800

This clock will be placed in expanded beis medrash, helping ensure that talmidim are on time for prayers and classes.
$ 1,800

The entrance to the new building, which leads to the expanded beis medrash and to the kiruv library. This mezuza has the distinctive honor of being the first mezuza that hundreds of thousands of visitors a year will see as they enter the Jewish Quarter of the Old City on Ohr Hachaim. Truly one of a kind.
$ 12,000

Connecting the beis medrash with the expanded beis medrash and finally providing the space for the yeshiva's future growth.
$ 3,600

Connecting the beis medrash with the expanded beis medrash and finally providing the space for the yeshiva's future growth.
$ 3,600

Connecting the beis medrash with the expanded beis medrash and finally providing the space for the yeshiva's future growth.
$ 3,600

Harary Levy Learning Center

The Old City sees millions of visitors pass through a year. This unique library will house a carefully curated collection of books that will help visitors see the beauty of the Torah through the connection of present day ideas to Torah principles.

$ 18,000

$ 3,600

$ 1,800


The new Gershon Burd Building has allowed the yeshiva to double in size, with a new capacity of over 100 students. In addition to more space in the beis medrash, the yeshiva now has room for various offices, a bigger library and a kitchen.

$ 75,000

$ 50,000

$ 50,000

$ 36,000

$ 25,000

$ 25,000

$ 25,000

$ 10,000

$ 5,400

$ 3,600

$ 3,600

$ 3,600

More Sponsorship Opportunities

$ 25,000

$ 18,000

You can have a share in all the Torah we record and send out! Please help us purchase a high-quality sound and video system, including speakers and wiring for the new Rabbi Berger Beis Medrash and Ezras Nashim, so everyone - both in and out of the yeshiva - can see, hear and be inspired by the Yeshiva's divrei torah.
$ 10,000

The eye-level screen on Ohr Hachaim has already proven that it catches the attention of visitors as they enter the Old City. It features clips of learning in yeshiva, photos of bachurs and yeshiva activities, and now has room for your dedication as well. The traffic on Chol Hamoed alone numbers in the tends of thousands of people walking by this screen!
$ 10,000

Designed by artist Michael Kupietzky, these simanim are hung on the sifrei torah to indicate which one should be removed from the ark for different torah readings, i.e. Shabbos, Yom Tov, Ta'anis, etc.
$ 3,600

$ 7,600

Located in the kitchen, grab your share in 1000s of brachas.
$ 5,400

As the yeshiva completes its renovation, and the beis medrash is reorganized, we are making way for a new bimah that will best fit the new space. Support (literally!) every Torah reading the yeshiva has with this new bimah.
$ 10,000

What's a new bima without a bimah cover! (DONATED)
$ 3,600

A new yad for Torah readings.
$ 1,800

Housed in the yeshiva's digital Patron's showcase, donate to the yeshiva in honor of a departed loved one.
$ 1,800

And for everything, there is a time... and what time could be more important than the time in the beis medrash!
$ 1,800

This plaque will be placed outside the bathrooms in the beis medrash. Grab a share of thousands of future brachas!
$ 1,800

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All dedications and plaques will be virtually displayed in the yeshiva's new digital Patron's Showcase designed by artist Michael Kupietzky.

American tax receipts will be provided for credit card payments made on this page.
Canadian, Israeli and UK tax receipts available, see the relevant payment section here.

For details, please contact: Rabbi Richard Jacobs, Executive Director, (011)972-2-627-1647 or rabbijacobs@bircas.org