Parshas Shoftim 5777
The Greatness of Being Tamim By Rabbi Moshe Krieger, Yeshivas Bircas HaTorah In Parshas Shoftim appears a commandment: “Be tamim with Hashem” (Devarim 18:13). Tamim […]
Parshas VaEschanan 5777
The Ultimate Emuna By Rabbi Moshe Krieger, Yeshivas Bircas HaTorah “Be careful and guard yourself very much, lest you forget the things that your eyes […]
Parshas Devarim 5777
Why Unity Is So Important By Rabbi Moshe Krieger, Yeshivas Bircas HaTorah Klal Yisrael always begins the reading of Chumash Devarim during the 3 weeks […]
Parshas Matos-Massa’ei 5777
The Unique Prayer at the War Against Midian By Rabbi Moshe Krieger, Yeshivas Bircas HaTorah In Parshas Matos, Hashem commands Moshe to take revenge on […]
Parshas Pinchas 5777
The Effect of Even the Smallest Action Parshas Pinchas relates in short the incident of Korach’s rebellion and that all who were with him perished. […]
Parshas Balak 5777
The Essence of a Jew In Parashas Balak, we find the gentile prophet Bilaam riding his donkey to meet with the King of Moav in […]
Parshas Chukas 5777
Absent-Mindedness in Emunah In Parshas Chukas, we learn that Moshe committed a sin that caused Hashem to deny him entry into Eretz Yisrael. This occurred […]
Parshas Korach 5777
Hashem’s Revelation at the Time of Korach In Parshas Korach, we learn of a rebellion waged by Korach and others against Moshe Rabbeinu. After Moshe […]
Parshas Sh’lach 5777
The Life-Force of Eretz Yisrael In Parshas Sh’lach, the Meraglim (spies) are sent to scout out Eretz Yisrael. They return with an alarming report that […]
Parshas Behaaloscha 5777
No Food for Tomorrow – Blessing or Curse? In this week’s parsha, Klal Yisrael complained about the manna, the miraculous “bread from heaven” that appeared […]