Parshas Teruma 5777
How to Connect to Hashem In Parshas Teruma, the command to build a Mishkan is given. The Medrash (Shemos Rabba 34:1) states that Moshe asked: […]
Parshas Mishpatim 5777
The Message of the Eved Ivri Parshas Mishpatim deals mostly with laws of interpersonal dealings, such as loans, damages, treatment of converts, etc. Most of […]
Parshas Yisro 5777
The benefit of hardships Yisro, Moshe Rabbeinu’s father-in-law, decides to join Klal Yisrael after they miraculously left Egypt. Moshe went out to his father-in-law, Aharon […]
Parshas Beshalach 5777
Torah Determines Nature In Parshas Beshalach, the Red Sea splits and allows the Jews to pass through it. The Medrash (Shemos Rabba 21:6) states that […]
Parshas Bo 5777
Welcoming Hashem into Our Lives In Parshas Bo, the Bnei Yisrael receive their first mitzvah as a nation—the sanctification of the new moon (“kiddush hachodesh“). […]
Parshas Va’Era 5777
The Torah’s Measure Of a Man Moshe Rabbeinu and Aharon Hakohen are mentioned together in numerous verses in the Torah. Usually, Moshe’s name appears first. […]
Parshas Shemos 5777
Strengthening Emuna Every Day In Parshas Shemos, the enslavement of the Jewish People begins, and for 210 years they suffer horrific cruelty at the […]
Parshas Vayechi 5777
How To Make Bad Middos Go Away At the end of Yaakov’s life, he blesses his sons, giving rebuke when necessary. Of note is his […]
Parshas Vayigash 5777
The Biggest Miracle After years of separation, Yaakov Avinu meets his son, Yosef. In this dramatic moment, Yosef “fell on his [Yaakov’s] neck and he […]
Parshas Miketz 5777
Saving Stress and Reaching Happiness Parshas Miketz relates how Yosef went from prisoner to Egyptian Viceroy, beginning with the words: “And it was, after two […]