Parshas Shemini 5776

By Fraidy Strauss | March 31, 2016

Navigating the Jewish People’s Course During the inauguration of the Mishkan, Aharon’s sons Nadav and Avihu were struck dead after they offered a “foreign fire” […]


By Fraidy Strauss | March 28, 2016

THE FAR-REACHING EFFECTS OF THOUGHTS In this week’s parsha, we learn about the korban olah and the korban chatas. A korban olah, burnt entirely on […]

Parshas Vayikra 5776

By Fraidy Strauss | March 17, 2016

Parshas Vayikra 5776 What a person cannot forget When a person commits a sin b’shogeig (as a result of forgetfulness), part of his atonement involves […]


By Fraidy Strauss | March 10, 2016

PARSHAS PEKUDEI 5776 WHAT IT TAKES TO BE A BEN OLAM HABA Pekudei, the final parsha of Sefer Shmos, begins with what seems superfluous. We […]

Vayakhel 5776

By Fraidy Strauss | March 3, 2016

Vayakhel 5776 The one bad midda that everyone has When Hashem commanded the Jews to donate the materials needed for the Mishkan, the people eagerly […]

Ki Sissa 5776

By Fraidy Strauss | March 2, 2016

Ki Sissa 5776 Orienting oneself within the darkness After the Jews committed the sin of the Golden Calf, Moshe prayed to Hashem that He forgive […]


By bircasadmin | February 18, 2016

THE BATTLE EVERY JEW MUST FIGHT The Midrash (36:1) brings a verse from Yirmiyahu (11:16) that compares the Jewish People to the olive tree. Why […]


By Fraidy Strauss | February 11, 2016

 MAKING UP FOR THE BEIS HAMIKDASH When Hashem commanded the building of the Mishkan, Moshe Rabbeinu was confused. “Hashem, how can the Jewish People possibly […]


By Fraidy Strauss | February 3, 2016

THE CLOSEST WE CAN COME TO KNOWING HASHEM  Our parsha follows directly the giving of the Ten Commandments on Har Sinai. Interestingly, the parsha deals […]

Parshas Vayeshev 5776

By bircasadmin | December 4, 2015

Parshas Vayeshev 5776 INVESTIGATING THE HIDDEN ASPECTS OF OUR PERSONALITY The sale of Yosef by his brothers is recorded for eternity as a sin. On […]