Korach 5774 This week’s parsha talks about the machlokess Korach led against Moshe and Aharon and the destruction that resulted. Klal Yisrael to this day […]
Parshas Shlach This week’s parsha closes with the mitzva of tzitzis. Interestingly, tzitzis is singled out by the Torah in ways that no other mitzva […]
Parshas Beha’aloscha In this week’s parsha, we read of the “asafsuf,” roughly translated as “rabble,” who complained to Moshe that they had a “taava,” a […]
Nasso 5774 In this week’s parsha we learn about a unique opportunity that is available to every Jew — becoming a nazir. All it […]
Bamidbar This week’s parsha begins with a census of the Bnei Yisrael, in which Hashem commands that Shevet Levi not be included, but rather have […]
Parshas Bechukosai At the beginning of this week’s parsha, Hashem promises great blessing to those who go in His statutes and observe His mitzvos. […]
Bahar 5774 This week’s parshah begins with a detailed discussion of the mitzvah of shemittah, but just before that comes an introductory verse: “And Hashem spoke […]
Emor 5774 This week’s parsha mentions the Mo’adim and after mentioning Pesach it states the command of “Sefiras Ha’Omer,” to count the days that lead […]
Parshas Tazria At the end of last week’s parasha we learned the laws of tum’ah that pertain to animals. In this week’s parasha, the laws […]
Parshas Shemini In this week’s Parsha, the Mishkan is now prepared and Moshe calls upon Aharon to assume his role as Klal Yisrael’s first Kohen […]