Parashas Vayeishev At the commencement of Parashas Vayeishev, the passuk relates that Yaakov Avinu dwelled in Eretz Canaan. Citing a homiletical interpretation, Rashi explains […]
Parshas Vayishlach One of the better-known occurrences mentioned in this week’s parsha is the fight between Yaakov Avinu and the malach of his brother, Eisav. […]
בס”ד Parshas Vayeitzei This week’s parasha is largely concerned with Yakov Avinu’s marriage to Rachel and the events that surround it. As the parasha […]
פרשת תולדות In this week’s parsha, we are introduced to Yaakov and Esav and subsequently learn about the different paths they chose in life, making […]
Chayei Sara
פרשת חיי שרה This week’s parsha begins by enumerating the years of Sarah’s life. “And the years of Sarah’s life were a hundred years and […]
Vzos HaBracha
פרשת וזאת ברכה This week’s parsha has one of the most famous verses in the entire Torah. “The Torah that Moshe commanded us is the […]
פרשת נח In this week’s parsha, Hashem decides to destroy the world on account of humanity’s corruption. However, there is a question as to what […]
Lech Lecha
פרשת לך-לך This week’s parsha begins the narrative of Avraham Avinu. The impact that Avraham Avinu has had on the world cannot be fathomed. Avraham […]
פרשת וירא In this week’s parsha, Sodom is destroyed, and only Lot and his family are saved. However, Lot chose to live in the decadent […]
פרשת האזינו In this week’s parsha, Moshe Rabbeinu shares the song of Haazinu with the Jewish people. This song was intended to be a central […]