פרשת בהר In this week’s parsha, we learn about shmitta. During the shmitta year, we aren’t allowed to plant, water, or harvest anything from our […]
פרשת אמור In this week’s parsha we read about a mitzvah that is currently being performed by the entire Jewish people every night: the counting […]
קדושים-מות אחרי פרשת In parshas Kedoshim we are commanded to be holy. “You shall be holy because I, Your G-d, am Holy.” Hashem chose us […]
עניני פסח Pesach is coming and we are all frantically running around preparing for the holiday. There’s so much to learn, so much to do, […]
פרשת צו Parshas Tzav continues to expound on the different korbanos and their laws as we are introduced to a very important korban called the […]
פרשת ויקרא “And G-d called to Moshe and spoke to him from the Ohel Moed saying…” The Midrash in Vayikra Rabba 1:15 learns that Moshe’s […]
פרשת ויקהל\פקודי In this week’s double parsha, Betzalel and his crew construct the Mishkan and all of its parts. In parshas Truma, Tetzaveh, and Ci […]
Ki Sisa
פרשת כי תשא This week’s parsha tells of one of the most shameful events in Jewish history, the sin of the golden calf. The incident […]
פרשת תצוה Last week’s parsha, Parshas Teruma, spoke about the initial instructions Hashem gave to build the Mishkan. This parsha opens with Hashem commanding Moshe […]
פרשת תרומה In this week’s parsha, G-d instructs the Jewish people to build the Mishkan. This marked the beginning of a new era in world […]