פרשת פקודי This week’s Parsha continues the discussion of the construction of the Mishkan, and deals primarily with the weights and measures of each of […]
פרשת ויקהל This week’s Parsha continues with a description of the intricate planning and construction of the Mishkan. A very skilled team, headed by […]
Ki Sisah
Bs”d Parshas Ki Sisah Parshas Ki Sisah discusses klal Yisrael receiving the Torah and subsequently committing a tremendous aveira, the chet ha eigel, the consequences […]
פרשת תצוה This week’s Parsha deals primarily with the elaborate clothing the Kohanim were commanded to wear and the differences between the vestiges of the […]
פרשת תרומה This week’s Parsha opens with the commandment for every Jew to donate the materials necessary for the building of the Mishkan, which Hashem […]
“פרשת משפטים וענייני “נושא בעול There is an esoteric verse at the end of this week’s Parsha which says, “And the God of Israel appeared […]
פרשת יתרו וקבלת התורה This week’s Parsha records how we, as the Jewish people, fulfilled our destiny by receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai. Although […]
פרשת בשלח This week’s parsha records one of the most miraculous events of all time, how Hashem split the sea for the Jewish people and […]
פרשת וארא In this week’s Parsha, Hashem commands Moshe to approach Pharaoh and to “ask” him to let the Jewish people go. But the verse […]
פרשת שמות In this week’s Parsha, we are told how the Children of Israel descended into Egypt and went from being the most lofty nation […]