
By bircasadmin | December 3, 2008

פרשת וירא This week’s Parsha delineates some of the tremendous acts of kindness which Avraham Avinu performed during his astonishing lifetime. Amongst the kindnesses listed […]

Chayei Sarah

By bircasadmin | December 3, 2008

פרשת חיי שרה In this week’s Parsha, Avraham’s astounding life is about to come to an end as the verse testifies about him, “And Avraham […]


By bircasadmin | December 3, 2008

פרשת תולדות This week’s Parsha tells us how Yitzchak begot two sons, Yaakov and Eisav. The Torah informs us that Yitzchak was more partial to […]


By bircasadmin | December 3, 2008

פרשת ויצא In this week’s Parsha, Yaakov comes down to Charan in order to search for a mate for himself as his father Yitzchak did. […]


By bircasadmin | December 3, 2008

פרשת וישלח This week’s Parsha opens with the Yaakov’s return to his homeland, after being away for many years. Yaakov’s first concern upon his return […]


By bircasadmin | December 3, 2008

פרשת וישב This week’s Parsha tells us about the incredible hatred which the ten sons of Yaakov had fostered for their brother Yosef, and because […]


By bircasadmin | December 3, 2008

פרשת מקץ וענייני חנוכה This week’s Parsha opens with Yosef finding himself incarcerated in Pharaoh’s prison on account of a crime that he did not […]


By bircasadmin | December 3, 2008

פרשת ויגש This week’s Parsha depicts the end of Yaakov Avinu’s 22 year ordeal of being separated from his beloved son Yosef, and of the […]


By bircasadmin | December 3, 2008

פרשת וארא This week’s Parsha opens with Hashem telling Moshe the He had appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, yet He had never told them […]


By bircasadmin | December 3, 2008

פרשת בא This week’s Parsha contains the first official Mitzvah in the Torah, the commandment to sanctify the new month at the beginning of each […]