
By bircasadmin | December 3, 2008

פרשת בשלח This week’s Parsha opens with the Jewish people finding themselves in a very difficult predicament. They have successfully left Egypt and fled to […]


By bircasadmin | December 3, 2008

פרשת יתרו This week’s Parsha opens with Yisro coming out to the desert where Moshe and the Jewish people were with the intention to join […]


By bircasadmin | December 3, 2008

פרשת משפטים This week’s Parsha delineates many of the monetary and personal laws that the Jewish people are obligated to follow toward one another. It […]


By bircasadmin | December 3, 2008

פרשת תרומה This week’s Parsha deals primarily with Hashem’s specific instruction on how to construct the Mishkan – the Tabernacle, where God was to rest […]


By bircasadmin | December 3, 2008

פרשת תצוה There is a Yalkut Shimoni (365) which says that when Hashem commanded Moshe to construct the Mishkan, Moshe became very nervous that he […]

Ki Sisa

By bircasadmin | December 3, 2008

פרשת כי תשא This week’s Parsha relates how the Jews reached the culmination of human existence, the receiving of the Ten Commandments and the Torah […]


By bircasadmin | December 3, 2008

פרשת ויקהל וענייני פורים This week’s Parsha contains the command to the Jewish people to begin the construction of the Mishkan. The Seforim bring down […]


By bircasadmin | December 3, 2008

פרשת פקודי This week’s Parsha describes how the Jews completed the construction of the Mishkan as Moshe had commanded them. After they had successfully carried […]


By bircasadmin | December 3, 2008

פרשת ויקרא Sefer Vayikra opens with, and deals mainly with the instructions for the sacrificial offerings that were to be presented in the Mishkan and […]


By bircasadmin | December 3, 2008

פרשת צו וענייני הודאה One of the sacrifices delineated in this week’s Parsha is the offering of thanksgiving. The Torah teaches us that if one […]