פרשת מטות This week’s Parsha tells us how the Jewish people were commanded to take revenge against the people of Midian for the underhanded way […]
פרשת מסעי This week’s Parsha contains the Mitzvah of the עיר מקלט or the city of refuge. The Torah commands us to set up cities […]
פרשת שופטים This week’s Parsha opens with the verse commanding us to faithfully pursue justice in our judicial system – “צדק צדק תרדף”. The Sefas […]
Ki Seitzei
פרשת כי תצא This week’s Parsha contains a very unique commandment in the Torah, and had it not been written, it would have been hard […]
Ki Savo
פרשת כי תבא This week’s Parsha contains within it the blessings that will befall the Jewish people if they keep the Torah properly, and the […]
פרשת נצבים There is a very interesting verse in this week’s Parsha which immediately piques our interest. The verse says, “The commandments of the Torah […]
פרשת וילך -שבת שובה In this week’s Parsha, the verse says, “And I will hide My face from you (the Jewish people)”. It is interesting […]
פרשת האזינו This week’s Parsha is a poetic song of rebuke by Moshe Rabenu for the Jewish people. Although this rebuke begins a bit harshly, […]
פרשת נח This week’s Parsha records the decay and decadence of the moral fabric of the human race post-creation. The Torah reveals that it had […]
Lech Lecha
פרשת לך לך In this week’s Parsha, the Torah tells us how Avraham Avinu’s nephew Lot was captured as a prisoner of war by four […]