פרשת אחרי מות – קדושים At the end of Parshas אחרי מות , the verse says, “One must guard My commandments and do them and […]
פרשת בהר – בחוקתי This week’s Parsha opens with the Mitzvah of Shmita. The Torah commands that for six years we work the land and […]
פרשת במדבר Sefer Bamidbar opens with the counting of all twelve tribes and their respective princes and then all of the Jewish people. Rashi explains […]
פרשת נשא This week’s Parsha contains the laws of the Nazarite, – one who takes upon himself a vow to abstain from wine and haircuts, […]
פרשת בהעלותך In the middle of this week’s Parsha there are two verses of “ויהי בנסוע הארון” which don’t belong there and this is indicated […]
פרשת שלח This week’s Parsha tells the tragic tail of the spies who entered into the land of Israel with the intent to return with […]
פרשת קרח וענייני קנאה In this week’s Parsha the Torah tells us about the dreadful mistake Korach and his followers made. Because of this terrible […]
פרשת חקת ועבודה לשמה This week’s Parsha tells us about the fateful events which led up to Moshe Rabenu’s sin of hitting the rock. The […]
פרשת בלק This week’s Parsha tells us about how Bilam attempted to curse the Jewish people and obliterate them from existence, only to find that […]
פרשת פנחס This week’s parsha tells us how Pinchas heroically executed Zimri and Kuzbie in order to quiet God’s anger from the Jewish people. In […]