
By bircasadmin | December 3, 2006

פרשת וירא Chazal teach us in Pirkei Avos (Chapter 5 Mishna 3) that God tested Avraham Avinu with ten trials in order to portray his […]

Chayei Sarah

By bircasadmin | December 3, 2006

פרשת חיי שרה This week’s Parsha tells us how Avraham sent his trusted servant Eliezer to go and find a wife for his son Yitzchak.  […]

Chayei Sarah

By bircasadmin | December 3, 2006

פרשת חיי שרה This week’s Parsha tells us how Avraham sent his trusted servant Eliezer to go and find a wife for his son Yitzchak.  […]


By bircasadmin | December 3, 2006

פרשת תולדות This week’s Parsha tells us how Yitzchak and Rivka were childless for many years.  The verse says that they both prayed opposite each […]


By bircasadmin | December 3, 2006

פרשת ויצא There is a very strange series of verses recorded in this week’s Parsha.  Toward the end of the Parsha, Hashem appears to Yaakov […]


By bircasadmin | December 3, 2006

פרשת וישלח This week’s Parsha tells us that when Yaakov was about to remake his acquaintance with Eisav after being away for 20 years, he […]


By bircasadmin | December 3, 2006

פרשת וישב This week’s Parsha opens with the verse telling us how Yaakov dwelled in the land of his fathers.  Rashi brings a very enigmatic […]


By bircasadmin | December 3, 2006

פרשת מקץ וענייני חנוכה In this week’s Parsha, Yosef gets married to Potiphar’s daughter and has two sons.  The Torah tells us that he named […]


By bircasadmin | December 3, 2006

פרשת ויגש This week’s Parsha relates the dramatic events which led up to Yosef’s ultimate revelation of his true identity to his brothers.  In the […]


By bircasadmin | December 3, 2006

פרשת ויחי In this week’s Parsha, Yaakov Avinu’s astonishing life is about to come to an end.  Before his ultimate demise, Yaakov asks for all […]